
čist frišno: FLASH

prve skice francis manapul-a za novi flash-ov run z geoff jones-om. francis pravi, da bo sam tudi na črnilu in barvah (vodene) tako kot pri adventure comics.
flash fact!

najhitrejši človek na svetu, ki vedno zamuja.

izide ta teden

Wonder Woman Vol 3 #36
Jack Of Fables #38
Teen Titans Vol 3 #75 (Incentive Andy Clarke Variant Cover)
Teen Titans Vol 3 #75 (Regular Joe Bennett Cover)
Justice Society Of America Vol 3 #31
Green Lantern Vol 4 #43 (2nd Ptg (Blackest Night Tie-In)
Green Lantern Vol 4 #46 (Incentive Andy Kubert Variant Cover (Blackest Night Tie-In)
Green Lantern Vol 4 #46 (Regular Doug Mahnke Cover (Blackest Night Tie-In) (zombie superheroji sci-fi)

Superman Vol 3 #692 (Codename Patriot Epilogue)
Unknown Soldier Vol 4 #12
Batman The Brave And The Bold #9
Flash Rebirth #2 (2nd Ptg)
Final Crisis Aftermath Ink #5
Last Days Of Animal Man #5
Gotham City Sirens #4
Freddy vs Jason vs Ash Nightmare Warriors #4
Blackest Night #2 (2nd Ptg)
Batman Widening Gyre #2 (Incentive Gene Ha Sketch Variant Cover)
Batman Widening Gyre #2 (Incentive Gene Ha Variant Cover)
Batman Widening Gyre #2 (Regular Bill Sienkiewicz Cover)
Blackest Night Titans #2 (Incentive Brian Haberlin Variant Cover)
Blackest Night Titans #2 (Regular Ed Benes Cover)
Justice League Of America 80-Page Giant #1
Absolute Promethea Vol 1 HC
Fables Deluxe Edition Vol 1 HC
Astro City Astra Special #1

Thor Vol 3 #603
X-Factor Vol 3 #49
Marvel Previews #74 (October 2009)
Marvel Adventures Spider-Man #55
Ms Marvel Vol 2 #45 (70th Anniversary Marko Djurdjevic Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #606 (Incentive J Scott Campbell Half Sketch Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #607
Thunderbolts #136 (Dark Reign Tie-In) (ne vem zakaj ampak neki me muči pri tem naslovu. več kasneje)
Hulk Vol 2 #15 (Incentive Ed McGuinness Variant Cover)
Hulk Vol 2 #15 (Regular Ian Churchill Cover)
X-Force Vol 3 #19
Skaar Son Of Hulk #15
Runaways Vol 3 #14
Secret Warriors #8 (super špijoni, super heroji in seveda nick fury)
Wolverine Weapon X #5 (Carlos Pacheco Cover)
Wolverine Weapon X #5 (Ron Garney Cover)
New Mutants Vol 3 #5
Dark Tower The Fall Of Gilead #5 (Incentive Rafa Sandoval Variant Cover)
Dark Tower The Fall Of Gilead #5 (Incentive Richard Isanove Sketch Variant Cover)
Dark Tower The Fall Of Gilead #5 (Regular Richard Isanove Cover)
Dark Reign The Hood #5
X-Men Forever Vol 2 #8
Dark Reign Lethal Legion #3
Dark Reign Sinister Spider-Man #4
Captain America Reborn #2 (Incentive 70th Frame Variant Cover)
Marvel Divas #3
Spin Angels #2
Marvel Zombies Return #5
Avengers Invaders HC
Black Panther Deadliest Of The Species HC
Deadpool Suicide Kings HC (deadpool se kupuje samo v trdih platnicah)
Marvel Mystery Handbook 70th Anniversary Special
Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe A To Z Vol 10 HC
Punisher Vol 7 Annual #1 (Incentive Rest In Pieces Tom Raney Variant Cover)
Punisher Vol 7 Annual #1 (Regular Jason Pearson Cover)
Shang-Chi Master Of Kung-Fu One Shot
Spider-Man Clone Saga #1
Ultimatum HC (samo zaradi risbe, zgodba je porazno v kurci)
Ultimatum Requiem HC

Dark Horse
Usagi Yojimbo Vol 3 #123
Star Wars Legacy #40
Aliens Vol 3 #3

IDW Publishing
Fallen Angel Reborn #3 (Incentive JK Woodward Variant Cover)
GI Joe Cobra Special #1 (Incentive Antonio Fuso Variant Cover)
GI Joe Cobra Special #1 (Regular Cover A)
GI Joe Cobra Special #1 (Regular Cover B)

Darkness Vol 3 #80 (Cover A Phil Hester)
Darkness Vol 3 #80 (Cover B Michal Ivan)
Bad Dog #3
Existence 2.0 #3
Cyberforce Hunter-Killer #2 (Incentive Kenneth Rocafort Sketch Variant Cover)
Cyberforce Hunter-Killer #2 (Regular Cover A Kenneth Rocafort)
Cyberforce Hunter-Killer #2 (Regular Cover B Stjepan Sejic)
Bomb Queen VI #1
Sky Pirates Of Neo Terra #1
Timothy And The Transgalactic Towel HC

A-Okay Comics
Myth Of 8-Opus Labyrinth GN

Aardvark Vanaheim
Glamourpuss #9

Abstract Studios
Terry Moores Echo #15

Game Trade Magazine #116

Antarctic Press
Ninja High School #173
Bad Kids Go To Hell #4
Gold Digger Halloween Special 2009
President Evil 100 Days Later
Rod Espinosa Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

Archie Comics
Betty #182
Pals N Gals Double Digest #135

Basement Comics/Amryl Entertainment
Cavewoman Cover Gallery #2 (Special Edition)
Cavewoman Red Menace One-Shot Special Edition Budd Root Variant

Bauer Media
Empire Magazine Oct 2009

Logicomix GN

Bongo Comics
Futurama Comics #45

BOOM! Studios
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #4 (Cvr A)
Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep #4 (Cvr B)
Die Hard Year One #1 (Incentive Variant Cover)
Die Hard Year One #1 (Regular Cover A)
Die Hard Year One #1 (Regular Cover B)
Die Hard Year One #1 (Regular Cover C)
Unknown Devil Made Flesh #1 (Incentive Variant Cover)
Unknown Devil Made Flesh #1 (Regular Cover A)
Unknown Devil Made Flesh #1 (Regular Cover B)
Mickey Mouse And Friends #296 (Incentive Variant Cover)
Mickey Mouse And Friends #296 (Regular Cover A)
Mickey Mouse And Friends #296 (Regular Cover B)

Broadsword Comics
Tarot Witch Of The Black Rose #58 (Regular Edition)

Candlewick Press
Outlaw Legend Of Robin Hood GN

Class Comics
Rapture #4 (Incentive Eric Powell Variant Cover)
Rapture #4 (Regular Michael Avon Oeming Cover)

Comic Shop News
Comic Shop News #1163 (- FREE - Limit 1 Per Customer)

Diamond Publications
Previews #253 (October 2009)
Previews #253 (October 2009 Customer Order Form)

Drawn & Quarterly
Aya Vol 3 The Secrets Come Out HC

Dynamite Entertainment
Army Of Darkness Vol 2 #25
Zorro Year One Vol 1 HC (Signed Edition By Wagner & Francavilla)
Boys Herogasm #5 (garth ennis na temo superherojev. razširjeno in malo zvodenelo ampak vseeno)
Robert E Howard Presents Thulsa Doom #2 (Regular Alex Ross Cover)

Here Come The Lovejoys #2 (Father Fixation)

Fusion Publishing
Girls Of Anime Vol 1
Girls Of Gaming Vol 6

Future Publishing Ltd
Playstation 3 Cheaters Black Book Fall 2009

Gemstone Publishing
Les Paul In His Own Words HC

Good Neighbors Vol 2 Kith HC

Harry N. Abrams Books
Boilerplate Historys Mechanical Marvel HC
25000 Years Of Erotic Freedom HC

Heart Monster Press
Deformitory GN

Hill And Wang
Trotsky A Graphic Biography HC

Houghton Mifflin Company
Best American Comics 2009 HC

Innovative Kids
Phonics Comics Vol 7 #2 (Level 3 Twisted Tales II)

Kenzer & Company
Knights Of The Dinner Table #154

Krause Publications
Beckett Sports Card Monthly #295 (Oct 2009)
Tuff Stuffs Sports Collectors Monthly Vol 26 #8 (Nov 2009)

Phantom Ghost Who Walks Vol 2 #5 (Incentive Mark Romanoski Sketch Variant Cover)
Phantom Ghost Who Walks Vol 2 #5 (Regular Joe Corroney Cover)
Phantom Ghost Who Walks Vol 2 #5 (Regular Mark Romanoski Cover)
Phantom Generations #5
Rotten #4

100 Percent Perfect Girl Vol 9 GN
Adventures Of Young Det Vol 3 GN
Age Called Blue GN
Dining Bar Akira GN

Radical Comics
Hercules Knives Of Kush #3 (Cover A Clint Langley)
Hercules Knives Of Kush #3 (Cover B Daryl Mandryk)

Roaring Brook Press
Polo And The Dragon HC
Polo And The Magician HC

Rolling Stone LLC
Rolling Stone #1088 (Oct 2009)

Malice HC

Sci-Fi Entertainment
Sci-Fi Magazine Vol 15 #5 (Dec 2009)

Southern Print LTD
FHM UK Oct 2009

Sunday Press Books
Upside Down World Of Gustave Verbeek HC

Time Inc.
Entertainment Weekly #1067

Titan Publishing
Heroes Magazine #11 (Newsstand Edition)
Heroes Magazine #11 (Previews Exclusive Edition)
Smallville Magazine #33 (Newsstand Edition)
Smallville Magazine #33 (Previews Exclusive Edition)

Alter Ego #89

Wizard Entertainment
Wizard Comics Magazine #217 (Dollhouse Cvr)
Wizard Comics Magazine #217 (J Scott Campbell Buffy Cvr)
Wizard Comics Magazine #217 (Maguire Marvel Disney Cvr) (samo še zaradi primerjave cen)


ultimate red skull

mark millar je spet v svojem elementu.
res je sin steve rogers-a, res si je sam sebi olupil obraz, res je bolši kot fotr.
kakšen je šele tony-jev brat?


strange tales #1

neki najboljšiga kr je marvel naredil zadnje čase. indi artistom je dal nalogo, da naredijo zgodbe z bjihovimi liki. super.
v tej številki:
peter bagge za fantagraphics dela serijala neat stuff in hate, ki opisuje dogodivščine antiheroja buddy bradley-ja (zbrano v buddy does seattle in buddy does jersey). politične stripe, ki jih je delal za revijo reason so zbrali pod naslovom everybody is stupid except me. za marvel je že naredil the megalomaniacal spider-man.
nick bertozzi je prejel nagrade Ignatz, Harvey in Xeric grant za rubber necker, the masochinists (alternative comics), the salon (st. martin's).
molly crabapple in john leavitt sta soavtorja dr. sketchy's anti-art school. sodelovala sta tudi pri scarlett takes manhattan za fugu press.
nicholas gurewitch je za sboj web strip dobil nagrade Ignatz, Eisner in Web cartoonist's choice. vse je izdal dark horse pod naslovom the perry bible fellowship almanack.
jason dobitnik nagrade Eisner. njegova dela za fantagrafics the last musketeer,, i killed adolf hitler, hey, wait.njegove strip low moon objavlja new york times.
james kochalka top shelf je izdal njegov strip dnevnik american elf. za marvel je že sodeloval pri incredible hulk annual.
michael kupperman je za fantagraphics naredil humoristične tales designed to thrizzle. njegovo prvo knjigo snake 'n' bacons's cartoon cabaret je izdal pri harpercollins. adult swim je to predelal v animirano obliko.
junko mizuno priznana manga avtorica, ki je znana po predelavah kot sta cinderella (pepelka) in hansel & gretal (janko in metka). last gasp so ji izdali njeno prvo delo pure trance.
kot ilustrator dela za shojo beat.
paul pope je za batman: year 100, heavy liquid in 100% ki jih je idal pri DC in za pulppope: the art of paul pope dobil nagrade Eisner.
johnny ryan za fantagrphics izdaja angry youth comicx , pri vice magazine pa mu uzdajajo blecky yuckerella.
dash shaw izdal je the mother's mouth (alternative comics) bottomless belly nutton (fantagraphics). pogosto prispeva k fantagraphicsovi antologiji MOME.
naslovnica seveda: paul pope
zgodba: john leavitt risba: mary crabaplle
dash shaw
nick bertozzi

the perry bible fellowship


najbolše naslovnice tega tedna*

(*ne pomeni, da sta to stripa tedna)


robin the boy wonder

batmanovo mnjenje o robinu

robin malo pretirava in

batman mora reagirati in spremeniti svoje mnenje
če sta res gay je to kar pošten s&m.
(-What are you doing?
-I'm will put my balls in your mouth.
You are gonna gag,
I'm goona laugh,
We'll be best frends for ever.
-Why do you have to say things like that?
-Because I'm the motherfucking ...)


go, kirby, go

liki od zgoraj levo: The Thing (Fantastic Four) Scarlet Wicth, Nick Fury, Galactus,
Silver Surfer, Doctor Doom, Rawhide Kid, Black Panther, Thor, Hulk, Red Skull, (foto Jack Kirby),
Captain America, (foto Stan Lee), Odin, Black Bolt, M.O.D.O.K., Hercules, Ka-Zar, Iron Man,
Magneto, Goom, Beast (preden je dobil modro krzno), Uatu the Watcher.

kirby estate tožijo marvel, paramount, fox, disney in ostale za avtorske pravice likov (thor, captain america, fantactic four, x-men, ...), ki jih je zdaj že preminuli Jack Kirby ustvaril ko je delal pri tem založniku. najeli so istega odvetnika, ki je uspel vrniti avtorske pravice supermana jerry seigel estate.
go, kirby, go!

izide ta teden

Superman Batman #64
Detective Comics #857
Hellblazer #259
Justice League Of America Vol 2 #37
Supergirl Vol 5 #45 (Hunt For Reactron Part 2)
Super Friends Vol 2 #19
Madame Xanadu #15
Billy Batson And The Magic Of SHAZAM #8
Wildcats Vol 5 #15
Vigilante Vol 3 #10
Power Girl Vol 2 #5 (Incentive Guillem March Variant Cover)
Power Girl Vol 2 #5 (Regular Amanda Conner Cover)
Final Crisis Aftermath Dance #5
Killapalooza #5
Batman And Robin #2 (3rd Ptg)
Justice League Cry For Justice #1 (2nd Ptg)
Justice League Cry For Justice #2 (2nd Ptg)
Wednesday Comics #12
Blackest Night Superman #1 (2nd Ptg)
Blackest Night Superman #2 (Incentive Shane Davis Variant Cover)
Blackest Night Superman #2 (Regular Eddy Barrows Cover) (superman & superboy vs. zombie superman, zombie supermanovi starci in zombie supermanovi krušni starci druga runda)

Blackest Night Tales Of The Corps Mini-Series Complete 3-Issue Set
DC Comics Classics Library Batman A Death In The Family HC
Superman Secret Origin #1 (Incentive Gary Frank Variant Cover)
Superman Secret Origin #1 (Regular Gary Frank Cover)
Web Vol 2 #1 (Incentive JG Jones Sketch Variant Cover)
Web Vol 2 #1 (Regular Stanley Lau Cover)

Avengers The Initiative #28
New Avengers #57 (Incentive Super Hero Squad Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)
New Avengers #57 (Regular Stuart Immonen Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In) (avengers brez super moči druga runda)

Nova Vol 4 #29
Fantastic Four Vol 3 #571 (Incentive Dale Eaglesham Invisible Woman Variant Cover)
Fantastic Four Vol 3 #571 (Incentive Super Hero Squad Variant Cover)
Fantastic Four Vol 3 #571 (Regular Alan Davis Cover)
Wolverine Origins #40 (Incentive Simone Bianchi Variant Cover)
Wolverine Origins #40 (Regular Doug Braithwaite Cover)
Ms Marvel Vol 2 #45 (Regular Sana Takeda Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Uncanny X-Men #514 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover (Utopia Part 4)
Uncanny X-Men #515
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #602 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #606
Incredible Hercules #135 (Incentive Super Hero Squad Variant Cover)
Incredible Hercules #135 (Regular Rafael Alberquerque Cover)
Wolverine First Class #19
Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2 #18
Spider-Man Magazine Vol 2 #8
Deadpool Vol 3 #13 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover)
Anita Blake Vampire Hunter Laughing Corpse Book 2 Necromancer #5
Fantastic Force Vol 2 #4
Riftwar #4
Halo Helljumper #3
Immortal Weapons #3 (dog brother no. 1)
Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #602 (Incentive Super Hero Squad Variant Cover)
Incredible Hulk Vol 3 #602 (Regular Ariel Olivetti Cover)
Ultimate Comics Avengers #1 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #1 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover)
Marvel Zombies Return #4
Astonishing X-Men Amazing Spider-Man The Gauntlet Sketchbook - FREE -
Astonishing X-Men By Joss Whedon & John Cassaday Omnibus HC
Dark Reign Made Men
Dark Reign The List Part 3 X-Men One Shot Incentive Frank Cho Hero Variant Cover (Utopia Tie-In)
Dark Reign The List Part 3 X-Men One Shot Regular Alan Davis Cover (Utopia Tie-In) (norman osborn rešuje kar se rešiti ne da tretja runda)

Dark X-Men The Confession One Shot
Enders Shadow Command School #1
Fantastic Four Master Of Doom HC
Golden Age Marvel Comics Omnibus Vol 1 HC (Book Market Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic Cover)
Golden Age Marvel Comics Omnibus Vol 1 HC (Direct Market Frank R Paul Cover)
Incredible Hercules Dark Reign HC
Marvel Masterworks Invincible Iron Man Vol 6 HC (Regular Dust Jacket)
Marvel Masterworks Invincible Iron Man Vol 6 HC (Variant Dust Jacket)
Spider-Woman Vol 4 #1 (Alex Maleev Cover)
Spider-Woman Vol 4 #1 (Alex Ross Cover)
Wolverine Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 (Incentive Ed McGuinness Variant Cover)
Wolverine Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 (Incentive Paolo Rivera Variant Cover)
Wolverine Old Man Logan Giant-Size #1 (Regular Steve McNiven Cover) (končno zaključek old man logan sage. unforgiven wolverine verzija)

X-Men Origins HC

Avatar Press
No Hero #7 (Auxiliary Edition)
No Hero #7 (Incentive Design Sketch Cvr)
No Hero #7 (Reg Cvr)
No Hero #7 (Wrap Cvr)

Dark Horse
Zero Killer #5
Conan The Cimmerian #14
3 Story Secret History Of The Giant Man HC
Umbrella Academy Vol 2 Dallas Deluxe Limited Edition HC
Will Eisners Spirit Archives Vol 27 The New Adventures HC

Devils Due Publishing
Hack Slash #25 (Cvr A Tim Seeley)
Hack Slash #25 (Cvr B Stefano Caselli)
Hack Slash #26 (Cover A Tim Seeley)
Hack Slash #26 (Cover B Nick Percival)
Zombies That Ate The World #5

IDW Publishing
GI Joe Vol 4 #9 (Incentive Howard Chaykin Virgin Variant Cover)
GI Joe Vol 4 #9 (Regular Cover A)
GI Joe Vol 4 #9 (Regular Cover B)
American McGees Grimm #5 (Incentive Ben Templesmith Variant Cover)
American McGees Grimm #5 (Regular Grant Bond Cover)
Star Trek Spock Reflections #3 (Incentive David A Williams Variant Cover)
Star Trek Spock Reflections #3 (Regular David Messina Cover)
Doctor Who Black Death White Life Guy Davis Cover
Doctor Who Black Death White Life Photo Cover

Invincible #66
Madman Atomic Comics #17 (zato ker je madman, drugega razloga za nakup ne rabim)
76 #5
Darkness Pitt #2 (Cover A Dale Keown)
Darkness Pitt #2 (Cover B Bagus Hutomo)
Kaboom Vol 1 Limited Edition HC
Underground #1

Oni Press
Wasteland (Oni Press) #26
Labor Days Vol 2 Just Another Damn Day GN
Salt Water Taffy Seaside Adventures Of Jack And Benny Vol 3 Truth About Dr True GN
Wasteland Vol 1 HC (Apocalyptic Edition)

Airbrush Action
Airbrush Action Vol 25 #1 (May Jun 2009)

Archie Comics
Archie Double Digest #202
Jughead #197
Sonic Universe #8

Aurora Publishing
Cigarette Kisses GN
Spicy But Sweet GN

Bare Bones Studios
Ghost Comics GN

Basement Comics/Amryl Entertainment
Cavewoman Cover Gallery #2 (Regular Edition)
Cavewoman Red Menace One Shot

Blu Manga
Cause Of My Teacher GN
Loudest Whisper Uwasa No Futari Vol 2 GN

Bluewater Productions
Lionsgate Films Leprechaun #4
William Shatner Presents Tek War #3

Bongo Comics
Bart Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror #15

BOOM! Studios
Farscape Gone & Back #3 (Cvr A)
Farscape Gone & Back #3 (Cvr B)
Muppet Show Treasure Of Peg-Leg Wilson #3 (Cvr A)
Muppet Show Treasure Of Peg-Leg Wilson #3 (Cvr B)
Disney Pixars Monsters Inc Laugh Factory #2 (Cvr A)
Disney Pixars Monsters Inc Laugh Factory #2 (Cvr B)
Muppet Peter Pan #1 (Incentive Variant Cover)
Muppet Peter Pan #1 (Regular Cover A)
Muppet Peter Pan #1 (Regular Cover B)

Cinefex #119 (Oct 2009)

Comic Shop News
Comic Shop News #1162 (- FREE - Limit 1 Per Customer)
Comic Shop News 2009 Fall Preview - FREE - Limit 1 Per Customer

Dennis Publishing
Maxim Magazine #142 (Oct 2009)

Drawn & Quarterly
Talking Lines HC

Dynamite Entertainment
Zorro Vol 6 #16 (John Snyder III Cover)
Zorro Vol 6 #16 (Matt Wagner Cover)
Buck Rogers Vol 4 #4 (Carlos Rafael Cover)
Buck Rogers Vol 4 #4 (John Cassaday Cover)
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #3 (Regular Alex Ross Cover)
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #3 (Regular Lucio Parrillo Cover)
Project Superpowers Chapter 2 #3 (Regular Stephen Segovia Cover)

Flesk Publications
Al Williamsons Flash Gordon A Lifelong Vision Of The Heroic HC

Future PLC
Playstation The Official Magazine #25 (Nov 2009)
XBox Magazine #102 (Nov 2009)

Games Workshop
White Dwarf #356

Heavy Metal
Know Thyself HC

High Speed Productions
Juxtapoz #105 (Oct 2009)

Illustration Studio
Illustration Magazine #27

Krause Publications
Comics Buyers Guide #1659 (Nov 2009)

MacMillan Publishing Services
Twilight Zone The Big Tall Wish HC
Twilight Zone Will The Real Martian Please Stand Up HC

Mirage Studios
Tales Of The TMNT #62
Donatello Brain Thief #1

Spider Judgement Knight #2 (Incentive Noir Variant Cover)
Spider Judgement Knight #2 (Regular Cover)

Neil Swaab
Rehabilitating Mr Wiggles Vol 3 GN

Bionicle Vol 6 Underwater City HC
Classics Illustrated Vol 6 The Scarlet Letter HC
Geronimo Stilton Vol 1 Discovery Of America HC
Geronimo Stilton Vol 2 Secret Of The Sphinx HC
Hardy Boys Vol 18 D.A.N.G.E.R. Spells The Hangman HC

Red 5 Comics
Beautiful Creatures #1

Roaring Brook Press
If You Lived Here Youd Be Home By Now HC

Gil Elvgren Pin-Ups 2010 5x7 Inch Desk Calendar
Gil Elvgren Pin-Ups 2010 7x9 Inch Desk Calendar

Time Inc.
Entertainment Weekly #1065

Titan Publishing
Star Trek Magazine #21 (Newsstand Edition)
Star Trek Magazine #21 (Previews Exclusive Edition)
Supernatural Magazine #12 (Special Newsstand Edition)
Supernatural Magazine #12 (Special Previews Exclusive Edition)

Top Shelf Productions
Sulk Vol 3 Kind Of Strength That Comes From Madness GN

Back Issue #36

Dracula Classic Pop-Up Tale GN

Vanguard Productions
Alex Horley Sketchbook HC (Deluxe Edition)
Alex Horley Sketchbook HC (Regular Edition)

Video Watchdog
Video Watchdog #151

Zenescope Entertainment
Stingers #3 (Cover A Tim Seeley)
Stingers #3 (Cover B Ron Adrian)
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Little Mermaid Collection
Tales From Wonderland Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum Chase Cover
Tales From Wonderland Tweedle Dee And Tweedle Dum Regular Cover

zgleda da bo bolj počasen teden. pull lista je bolj kratka, mogoče bo še kej druzga za pogledat.


Shaolin Cowboy

priporočilo. Mal ga je težko najdt ampak, uf. divje, divje.


hitman goodness

ne vem, kako so v uredništvu DC Comics pustili Garth Ennisu, da svoje ideje spušča v njihov regularni pg-13 svet. ne da imam kaj moti.

enkrat te dni sledi prvo srečanje batmana in hitmana (Garth Ennis zaslužen za pisanje, John McCrea ra risanje)


čist na brzino

te sirote znajo bit kdaj prou velke pizde.
(in batman in robin sta siroti pa glej kake afne guncata)
a se tko obnaša?


ah, batman, ti ga pa pihneš

ho, ho, ho. smej se, drgač ns bo vse polomu.
ko je bil mlad je mislil da je humorist


walking dead 65#

še vedno najbolj udaren zombie strip, ki redno izhaja. ah, Kirkman ko bi vsaj razumel zakaj naj bi bile tvoje ostale stvari tudi dobre.
čeprav so to vsi zombiji, ki so v tej številki to niti malo ne zmoti. saj štirje zombiji je veliko, ne?

skor sm pozabu

Ben Templesmith in Ben McCool z novim stripom.
Ben je stari znanec ameriškega stripa. Prihaja iz avstralije in ima popolnoma samosvoj stil. Z naslovi kot so Fell (v sodelovanju z Warren Ellisom je uvedel nov pristop k pripovedovanju zgodbe. samostojna zgodba na 18-ih straneh za razliko od klasičnih 22 je tudi ceno "mesečnika" drastično spustila), 30 days of night (horror serijal, ki ga je štartal s Steve Nilesom), Criminal Macabre (tudi z Nilesom), in samostojnim Wormwood-om in Walcome to Hoxford je s svojo risbo veliko ljudi odbil še pri večih pa zbudil zanimanje, nikogar pa ni pustil mlahavega.
Ben McCool se je iz prodajalca stripov transformiral v pisca. prihaja iz anglije in ima pod pasom Justice Leauge unlimited in nekaj itervijujev in kritik. za zdaj ga opisujejo kot Bolj divjega Ellisa.

tudi če bo zgodba razočarala lahko risba ponosno nosi ta serijal.


blackest night #3

z eno besedo: bad guys

z več besedami: good guys (hal i wally imata moment)
zombie ekipa je še vedno zajebana

končno se pojavi indigo tribe in govorijo v nekem razumljivem jeziku. tudi če se v tej številki ne bi zgodilo nič drugega bi bilo to dovolj

ivan reis: risba
geoff john: zgodba

Je za brat

me or you


izide ta teden

Priporočila zdaj in vsak teden vedno v bold-u

Fables #88
Green Arrow Black Canary #24
World Of Warcraft #23
Action Comics #881 (Hunt For Reactron Part 1)
Brave And The Bold Vol 3 #27
Ex Machina #45
Scooby Doo Vol 6 #148
Tiny Titans #20
Air #13
Outsiders Vol 4 #22
Prototype (Video Game) #6
Final Crisis Aftermath Escape #5
Starcraft #4 (Incentive Shawn Moll Variant Cover)
Starcraft #4 (Regular Federico Dallocchio Cover)
Batman And Robin #4 (Incentive Philip Tan Variant Cover)
Batman And Robin #4 (Regular Frank Quitely Cover)
Batman Streets Of Gotham #4
Wednesday Comics #11
Blackest Night #1 (2nd Ptg)
Blackest Night #3 (Incentive Ethan Van Sciver Sketch Variant Cover)
Blackest Night #3 (Incentive Ethan Van Sciver Variant Cover)
Blackest Night #3 (Regular Ivan Reis Cover)
Blackest Night Tales Of The Corps #2 (2nd Ptg)
Batgirl Vol 3 #2
Batman Cacophony HC
JSA vs Kobra Engines Of Fate #4
Tom Strong Deluxe Edition Book 1 HC

X-Factor Vol 3 #48
Mighty Avengers #29
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #601 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover)
Amazing Spider-Man Vol 2 #605
Invincible Iron Man #18 (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Deadpool Vol 3 #12 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)
War Machine Vol 2 #9 (Incentive 70th Frame Brandon Peterson Variant Cover)
War Machine Vol 2 #9 (Regular Francesco Mattina Cover)
Punisher Vol 7 #9 (Incentive Rest In Pieces Tom Raney Variant Cover)
Punisher Vol 7 #9 (Regular Mike McKone Cover)
Dark Avengers #9 (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Agents Of Atlas Vol 2 #11
Dark Wolverine #78 (Incentive Daniel Acuna Variant Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Dark Wolverine #78 (Regular Greg Land Cover (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Captain America Reborn #3 (Incentive John Cassaday Variant Cover)
Captain America Reborn #3 (Incentive Leinil Francis Yu Variant Cover)
Captain America Reborn #3 (Regular Bryan Hitch Cover)
Deadpool Merc With A Mouth #2 (2nd Ptg Variant Cover)
Deadpool Merc With A Mouth #3
Uncanny X-Men First Class #3
Dominic Fortune #2
Punisher Noir #2 (Regular Tim Bradstreet Cover)
Punisher Noir #2 (Variant Dennis Calero Cover)
Marvel Zombies Return #3
Amazing Spider-Man Presents Anti-Venom New Ways To Live #1
Dark Reign The List Part 2 Daredevil Incentive Frank Cho Hero Variant Cover
Dark Reign The List Part 2 Daredevil Regular Billy Tan Cover
Deadpool Vol 2 Dark Reign HC
Hercules Prince Of Power HC (Premiere Edition Book Market Cover)
Hercules Prince Of Power HC (Premiere Edition Direct Market Cover)
Hulk Planet Skaar HC
Marvel Spotlight Marvel Zombies Return
MODOK Reign Delay (Dark Reign Tie-In)
Secret Warriors Vol 1 Nick Fury Agent Of Nothing HC
Thor Balder The Brave HC (Premiere Edition Book Market Cover)
Thor Balder The Brave HC (Premiere Edition Direct Market Cover)
Thor Vol 3 Annual #1
Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1 (Incentive Carlos Pacheco Villain Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1 (Incentive Foilgram Variant Cover)
Ultimate Comics Armor Wars #1 (Regular Brandon Peterson Cover)
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #1 (Incentive David Finch Variant Cover)
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #1 (Incentive Leinil Francis Yu Sketch Variant Cover)
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #1 (Regular Alex Ross Cover)
Vengeance Of The Moon Knight #1 (Regular Leinil Francis Yu Cover)
X-Men Legacy Annual #1

Dark Horse
Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic #45
Star Wars Clone Wars #9
Citizen Rex #3
Beasts Of Burden #1
Life And Times Of Martha Washington In The Twenty-First Century HC (Limited Edition)
Life And Times Of Martha Washington In The Twenty-First Century HC (Regular Edition)
Tarzan The Jesse Marsh Years Vol 3 HC

IDW Publishing
Transformers All Hail Megatron #15 (Incentive Trevor Hutchison Variant Cover)
Transformers All Hail Megatron #15 (Regular Cover A)
Transformers All Hail Megatron #15 (Regular Cover B)
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #10 (Incentive Steve Parkhouse Retro Art Variant Cover)
Doctor Who Classics Series 2 #10 (Regular Steve Parkhouse Cover)
GI Joe Origins #7 (Incentive Tom Feister Virgin Variant Cover)
GI Joe Origins #7 (Regular Cover A)
GI Joe Origins #7 (Regular Cover B)
Life And Times Of Savior 28 #4 (Incentive Mike Ploog Variant Cover)
Angel Vol 3 #25 (Incentive Photo Variant Cover)
Angel Vol 3 #25 (Incentive Sam Shearon Variant Cover)
Angel Vol 3 #25 (Regular Cover A)
Angel Vol 3 #25 (Regular Cover B)
Veil #3 (Incentive Ashley Wood Virgin Variant Cover)
Veil #3 (Regular Ashley Wood Cover)
Veil #3 (Regular Gabriel Hernandez Cover)
Digger And Friends #2
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #1 (Incentive Nick Runge Variant Cover)
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #1 (Regular Cover A)
Ghostbusters Displaced Aggression #1 (Regular Cover B)
Locke & Key Head Games Vol 1 HC
Star Trek Romulans Schism #1 (Incentive John Byrne Virgin Variant Cover)
Star Trek Romulans Schism #1 (Regular John Byrne Cover)

Sword #19
Walking Dead #65
Tiffanys Epiphany HC

Airbrush Action
Airbrush Action Vol 24 #6 (Mar Apr 2009)

Amazing Figure Modeler
Amazing Figure Modeler #45

Ape Entertainment
Sullengrey Sacrifice #1 (Double-Size)

Archie Comics
Betty & Veronica Double Digest #174
Archie #601
Jughead And Friends Digest #34

Aspen Entertainment
Executive Assistant Iris #3 (Edu Francisco Cover)
Executive Assistant Iris #3 (Joe Benitez Cover)
Executive Assistant Iris #3 (Marcus To Cover)

Bluewater Productions
Vincent Price Presents #12
Legend Of Isis Vol 3 #4

Bongo Comics
Simpsons Comics #158

BOOM! Studios
Unthinkable #5
Poe (BOOM Studios) #3 (Cvr A)
Poe (BOOM Studios) #3 (Cvr B)
Swordsmith Assassin #2 (Cvr A)
Swordsmith Assassin #2 (Cvr B)
28 Days Later #2 (Incentive Variant Cover)
28 Days Later #2 (Regular Cover A)
28 Days Later #2 (Regular Cover B)

Comic Shop News
Comic Shop News #1161 (- FREE - Limit 1 Per Customer)

Dynamite Entertainment
Lone Ranger Vol 4 #18 (John Cassaday Black & White Cover)
Lone Ranger Vol 4 #18 (John Cassaday Color Cover)
Army Of Darkness Ash Saves Obama #2 (Lucio Parrillo Cover)
Army Of Darkness Ash Saves Obama #2 (Todd Nauck Cover)
Athena #1 (With Obama Flipbook Incentive Dennis Calero Negative Art Variant Cover)
Athena #1 (With Obama Flipbook Incentive Paul Renaud Sketch Variant Cover)
Athena #1 (With Obama Flipbook Regular Dennis Calero Cover)
Athena #1 (With Obama Flipbook Regular Fabiano Neves Cover)
Athena #1 (With Obama Flipbook Regular Patrick Berkenkotter Cover)
Athena #1 (With Obama Flipbook Regular Paul Renaud Cover)
Galactica 1980 #1

Panini Publishing
Doctor Who Magazine #412

Random House UK
Doctor Who Judgement Of The Judoon HC

2000 AD #1647
2000 AD #1648
2000 AD #1649
2000 AD #1650
Judge Dredd Megazine #288

Red 5 Comics
Atomic Robo And The Shadow From Beyond Time #5
We Kill Monsters #3

Titan Publishing
Star Wars Insider #112 (Newsstand Edition)
Star Wars Insider #112 (Previews Exclusive Edition)

Top Shelf Productions
Johnny Boo Vol 3 Happy Apples HC


beli sladoled


Batman is sad

Batman razmišlja o kužku z eno nogo, ki se je prijavil na plesno tekmovanje, da bi dobil denar za zdravila za bolno mamo. Nekako mu je uspelo priti v finale, kjer je njegov nasprotnik kužek brez nog, ki denar potrebuje za svojo družino, ki jo bodo vrgli iz hiše. Kužka ne vesta, da je plesno tekmovanje nateg in da je organizator že pobegnil z denarjem. Za zdaj še vedno plešeta s polno paro.


fun times

malo smeha na račun zdaj baje blokiranega disneyevega nakupa marvela


malo statistike za mesec avgust

10 naj prodajanih mesečnikov:

1 blackest night #2 (DC)
2 captain america: reborn #2 (Marvel)
3 batman & robin #3 (DC)
4 green lantern #45 (DC)
5 ultimate avengers #1 (Marvel)
6 dark avengers #8 (Marvel)
7 uncanny x-men #514 (Marvel)
8 new avengers #56 (Marvel)
9 the marvel projects #1 (Marvel)
10 blackest night: batman #1 (DC)

10 naj prodanih tpb:

1 walking dead vol. 10: what we become (Image)
2 fables vol.12 dark ages (Vertigo)
3 irredeemable vol.1 (Boom! Studios)
4 invincible vol.11: happy days (Image)
5 filthy rich (Vertigo)
6 warren ellis: frankenstein's womb (Avatar)
7 batman: hush complete (DC)
8 dark entries (Vertigo)

naj prodajani založniki:

1 Marvel
2 DC Comics
3 Dark Horse Comics
4 Image Comics
5 IDW Publishing
6 Dynamite Entertainment
7 Boom! Studios
8 Archie Comics
9 Viz Media
10 Wizard Entertainment
9 thor vol.2
10 silver surfer: requiem premiere hc

striparnica Buch, na predstavitvi albuma Evropa, avtor Tomaž Lavrič in založnik Marko Šunjić (založba Fibra)